Feasibility of the acute physical exercise following Cryotherapy protocol in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case report
Daniele Peres1, Clément Prati1,2, Julie Gucciard1, Nicolas Tordi1
1PEPITE EA4267, (Exercise Performance Health Innovation - EPHI), Bourgogne Franche-Comté University, F-25000 Besançon, France.
2Rheumatology Department, CHRU Besançon, F-25000 Besançon, France.
*Corresponding author
*Daniele Peres, MSc, UFR SMP Exercise Preformance Health Innovation (EPHI), Edifice Socrate – 19, Ambroise Paré Street. F - 25030 Besançon. Telephone: 03 63 08 23 22.
DOI: 10.55920/JCRMHS.2023.03.001140
Figure 1: Scheme of the intervention, measures and duration of the protocol.
The same operator realized all these measures, except the blood sample and echography measures made by the nurse and doctor, respectively.
Table 1: The values raw of the parameters measured during the protocol.
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